Our Products





We are Middle Eastern and European quarry owners and supplier of huge range of marble ,granite ,onyx ,travertine for any type of projects directly from our own quarries for exclusivity. Some of our products are Pietra Grey Marble, Pink Onyx, Green Onyx, Persian Scatto , Rainbow Onyx , Black Onyx, Golden Blue Onyx, Bliss Gold Marble, Portoro, Golden Black marble, Golden Marshal, Golden Galaxy, Majestic Rose, honey onyx ,White Onyx ,Golden Rose Marble, Persian Silk, Persian Stella, Crystalline Marbles of Iran in Blocks, slabs , tile or cut-to-size directly from our factories to you for Flooring , cladding , columns, bench, tops or any custom requirements. Our range is vast and our reach is global.

Wholesalers, Importers and Dealers wanting to know more about our products can request our catalogue below.